Be The Village

Since our TNVR program inception in June 2021 over 1,100 cats have been spayed or neutered through our TVNR Program.

We have raised $2,440.00 of our $5,500.00  goal.

You may ask yourself, “Why TNVR and not spay/neuter and rehome?” Well, that is a great question! Cats that come through the TNVR program are not friendly or social enough to introduce to an indoor setting.  The norm used to be to trap feral cats and euthanize them. History has shown that euthanasia simply does not work because even if all cats are removed from an area, another group of unaltered cats move in, take over the territory, and begin the cycle over again. However, with TNVR, the cats are humanely trapped, vaccinated, spayed/neutered, and returned to their territory where they will keep other unaltered cats out. The returned cats become the feline bouncers of the area and prevent any extra generations of kittens being born.

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If you make this a monthly donation, you are making sure the TNVR efforts can continue for generations to come.